Jun 22, 2014

Video Tutorials (or other) creation - one more option

It goes without saying that i believe that learning from "professionals" (such as Dr. Nellie Deutch or those from Packt Publishing) helps us, field teachers, find a way to master skills we may not have learned when becoming teachers. In my case, there are skills that were not even taken into account back then (way back then). The advent of New Technologies, however, has meant that in order not to stay behind, we teachers have to keep on learning ("Life-long Learning" as it is called).
One such skill is video (tutorials and other) creation using New Technologies.  I like Screencast-o-matic and Screenr very much, but these are not the only options. There are some others, such as using Jing , Slidespeech, etc. It is hight time I tried the latter when creating videos. I will soon.

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